Monday, April 12, 2010

Poknat Gave Birth To New Puppies

My sweet Poknat gave birth to five new puppies last April 5, 2010. It was Poknat's third pregnancy. All except one have same fur color, black brown. That single puppy has same fur color with my Poknat. I think in every generation of dog breeds, there is always one that inherits the mother's physical characteristics.

Here are some of the pictures of Poknat and her pups I took a week after she gave birth.

dog pictures | dog breeds | newborn puppiesdog pictures | dog breeds | newborn puppies
Poknat looks so messy in here. I missed to gave her a shower a day before she gave birth.

dog pictures | dog breeds | newborn puppiesdog pictures | dog breeds | newborn puppies

I'll post new pictures of her puppies when they will be a month old.

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