Thursday, July 23, 2009

taco bell dog dies

Gidget, the taco bell dog dies of stroke at age 15. Her owner Karen McElhatton said that the dog was with her trainer, Sue Chipperton, watching television when she began making "strange noises" and suffered a stroke.
Gidget died of a stroke Tuesday at the ripe old age of 15, People Pets reports. She'd lived in comfortable semiretirement since the heyday of the Taco Bell advertising campaign, occasionally making cameo appearances (hawking insurance alongside the GEICO gecko in a 2002 commercial and playing the mother of Reese Witherspoon's Chihuahua, Bruiser, in the sequel to "Legally Blonde").
I bet she will be very much missed. It was very much consoling to know that the taco bell dog dies a happy life.
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