Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Stray Cats | Adopting Cat

Talking about stray cats, - I have one in the office that I have partially adopted months ago. I say partially because this feline doesn't stay in the office all the time with me. In fact, she just comes in to eat. Sometimes, she visits me at around 9AM.

Here she is. Look at those green eyes, aren't they lovable?

stray cat
Before, the sight of an approaching human triggers her very keen instinct. She would eventually vanish from sight. But now, even though she's still aloof, at least not to me. She would meow, meow, meow, rubbing his nose against my legs.

As much as I want to, I can't take her home because I still have Puffy at home. See my Puffy's recent photos or those taken months ago.

I think I am really blessed because I have this kind of affection towards this humble creatures. A lot of them have experienced so much betrayal and have been victims of cruelty. Thank God I have that little capability to tame stray dogs and cats. The secret to it is building mutual trust between you and the animal.

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